Speedster's Adventures

February 16, 2011

11 months… where did time go?

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 6:39 pm

Lots of things have happened in the past month.

Tristan got 5 teeth now and knows how to use them sharply. He looks more like a little boy. My baby is gone.

I went back to work part-time so in these 2 days Tristan goes to childcare. He doesn’t like it very much and still cries a fair bit, but there is nothing much I can do, just hope he will get used to it. The only issue so far is that he gets really clingy after a day in care, he doesn’t even go with Tate. So, it’s really hard to do anything else on those days.

One of the big surprises of this month happened when we arrived home after my first day back to work, Tristan gave his first steps. It was so cute! It’s been 2 weeks now and he is getting better and better. He is even climbing on top of everything and banging his head a lot. Here is a video of him walking, I just didn’t manage to rotate the video.

I’ve been really busy lately as I managed to finish last month my Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety and have just started an Accounting course with OTEN (TAFE distance learning). I’m very excited with this new course and been enjoying all the study that I have to do, even when I have to stay up late to finish off some assignments.

The marathon of birthdays has started. We’ve been to a couple already and there is more to come. Tristan is very lucky to have so many friends of his age, he may not acknowledge them yet, but soon enough he will. We are already brainstorming ideas for his first birthday party.  Not long to go!


  1. Wow, he’s so clever! Can’t wait for his birthday!

    Comment by Charmaine — February 16, 2011 @ 10:10 pm | Reply

  2. Hanna, que lindo o Tristan. nem acredito que fiquei tant tempo sem vir aqui, e pior, tanto tempo sem escrever no meu blog também, não tenho registros narrados do crescimento do Johann, mas… Preciso voltar!
    Ahhh o Tristan andando… que fofo.. vocês estão de parabéns mesmo. Ele está mesmo cara de hominho já! É, nossos bebes cresceram…
    Ahh quero tanto conhecer esse pequeno!
    Amo vocês, e mais uma vez, obrigada pelos presentes…

    Comment by — February 17, 2011 @ 1:50 am | Reply

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