Speedster's Adventures

April 20, 2010

Tristan’s 5th Week

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 4:04 pm

New week, new challenge! Tristan got an umbilical hernia. It looks like his guts are coming out of his belly button. It’s something disgusting but painless.

As a typical first time mum, I got alarmed. Even though the book said it wasn’t a big deal, and so said the nurse from the mother’s group, I wasn’t convinced. Therefore, I took him to the doctor, in fact I ended up seeing 3 doctors, and guess what? The book was right, there is nothing we can do till he’s about 1 year old. I just got worried because  he makes a lot of effort to poo, pushing really hard, which makes his belly buttom pop out even more.

As the poo business hasn’t got better, the doctor told me to use a  suppository on him. I tried to delay the use of it as much as I could, hoping he’d get better but at 5am when he couldn’t fall sleep I had to do it. How horrible it is to insert that thing in your baby’s bum! However, it worked and he seems better now.

I also took advice from friends’ comments and stopped drinking milk and eating chocolate. Stopping wheat is a bit of a challenge. It seems that every substantial food is made of wheat, and with only one day without milk I’m already going nuts. The warm cotton bud cleaning his bottom has also worked, but be careful as the poo gush goes all over the place.

The great news is that he is starting to smile!

There is another thing that I would like to share with you guys. My little brother Arthur has been chosen to be one of the 3 athletes to represent Brazil in the Youth Olympics Games in Singapore. We are very proud of him.

Arthur, estamos torcendo por voce!!!

April 15, 2010

1 Month Old

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 2:38 pm

I can’t believe Tristan is already over a month old. Time has gone so fast! He has grown so much, especially in the past 2 weeks, he put on 400-500g each week. He is 5.5Kg now, very heavy for his age. He is our Cookie Monster.

It is great that he is eating a lot, however in the past 3 days, he’s been grunting and wingeing more than usual. He seems to be constantly in pain trying to poo, and instead of pooing every feed, now he only does 2-3 times a day.

The past 2 nights, pooing happened a bit with my help, as I freed him from the nappy and started to wipe his bottom, his bowels opened up and poo was ejected everywhere, all over me, change table, wall and door. It didn’t bother me too much, having to clean all the mess, if this was what I had to take for his comfort and relief, that was fine, however this peace just lasted to the next feed when the grunting and wingeing started all over again and goes on day and night.

I don’t know what to do, I’m trying to eat more fibre and other things that would help me to go to the toilet, hoping that will do something to my milk and help him, but I’m not sure if it actually works. He’s booked to see the Doctor for his 6-8 week check at the end of next week, but if this continues we’ll probably have to go earlier.

April 9, 2010

Grandma's (Pam) Birthday

Filed under: Uncategorized — hannayumi @ 4:15 pm

We went to a nice restaurant in Cronulla to celebrate Pam’s birthday. Tristan slept all the way through, so it was good for me as I could enjoy a nice meal. However, we just kept the routine of him sleeping a lot during the day and staying up at night. I’m turning to a vampire.

Tristan’s 3rd Week

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 4:03 pm

Tate took off this week. I love when he is around. Tristan loves him and Tate can settle him down like no other person. Tristan knows that he can get food from me, so when he is with me he cries for food but he can’t get it from Tate, so he is just happy to walk around the block or have his daddy play with him.

We were able to see Grandma Val, who had a hold of her 15th greatgrandchild. That was a good picture/record for posterity.

We also got to take Tristan for the first time to the beach for fish and chips. But it was so wind that I don’t think he liked it too much.

Tristan's 2nd Week

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 3:39 pm

The highlight of this week was the feast Relief Society provided to my family. As Tate went back to work, we asked Relief Society if the sisters could help just cooking a couple of meals for us. We ended up with a whole week of mains, salads and desserts. It was delicious!

Tristan put on a lot of weight already. He is over 4Kg.Everything was going very well, till I fell very sick and got mastitis. Terrible! Horrific pain. I’m in antibiotics now and have to continue to brastfeed even though I can’t even touch my left breast in how sensitive it is. But, I continue positive. I’ll get this breastfeeding right and painless some time soon.

Tristan's 1st Week

Filed under: Tristan — hannayumi @ 2:54 pm

First week wasn’t that easy, but not as scary as I thought. Somehow, mother’s insticts just kicked in the moment he was born. I don’t know if I’m doing things completely right but I know I’m doing the best I can.

Breastfeeding since day 1 has been a challenge, but I’m sticking to it. It hurts a lot! Tristan has lost just 20g in this first week, which is not bad at all, as newborns can lose up to 10% of their birth weight.

By the way, I forgot to mention in the last post that he was 3.8Kg and 53 cm. Big boy!!!

I’m in love with my son!

My birth story

Filed under: Hanna — hannayumi @ 1:29 pm

On Thursday (11/03) early morning I felt a bit of leaking, but it seemed quite small, mind you that the previous day, I thought I saw my mucus plug coming out during my shower. As they say if the mucus plug come out it’s not a big deal I didn’t really mind it. But when the leaking started I was a bit worried. So I called my midwife Christina who told me just to keep a close watch on it for the next 3 hours and call her back. As it wasn’t a gush and the leakage wasn’t steady, it might have not been my waters.

I took the car to repair as per schedule and had to catch the train back. It was around 11am, hot day and I felt heavy and tired so I didn’t want to walk home and then had to walk back to Kogarah in case I had to go to the hospital after calling Christina again. Thus, a small voice told me to hang out at the library till it was time to call her.

As I walked in the library, I saw the missionaries and Sister Tohu waiting for someone. Missionaries had a discussion booked at that time, so I just joined in. Perfect timing!!

By the time I called Christina I had still the same leakage, only when I got up from a steady position, I could feel it. She said not to worry but to come to the hospital, as I was so close, just to do a swab regarding my Group B Streptococos, as we were hoping it could be gone by now and I could have a normal labour without antibiotics.

On my 5 minute walk, I got a big surprise right in front of the hospital coffee shop, booming with people at lunch time, I felt a big gush dripping down my legs and wetting all my pants. I had no control over it and of course I knew it could only be my waters. How embarrassing! Luckily I was in front of the hospital, it wouldn’t take me much longer to get to the birth centre, and at that point I didn’t really care what people were thinking.

Of course Christina was surprised when she saw my wet pants, but that was it. I was having the baby that day (at last, I was already 7 days overdue), she would admit me and the show would start. I didn’t have my bags with me, in fact they weren’t actually packed. Everyone and everywhere in the hospital were really busy. I kept being thrown from place to place for more tests and checking on the baby and nobody would actually tell me THE PLAN. My contractions never started so they said they were going to induce me.

At 4pm, Christina and the doctor came to me see me. They injected in me the antibiotic and also induced me with the gel. It took a couple of hours for contractions to kick in but they were mild, by this, I mean I could cope with them with breathing and squeezing Tate’s hands, arms or whatever was in front of me.

At 6pm they took me to the maternity ward as there was no one to look after me at the birth centre. Christina was going home to have a rest and would come back when my active labour started.

At 10pm my contractions were 5 minutes apart lasting for 30 seconds. Not good enough. A nurse came to check me and I was just 3cm dilated. Therefore I was booked in to go on the drip. And had a top up on the antibiotics. I hated that cannula in my hand. I hate needles!!

At 12am Christina was back. They moved me to the delivery suite and  attached me to machines and the drip. It didn’t take long for the big contractions to kick in. They were painful and I couldn’t focus on anything. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep but Tate and Christina kept telling me to walk around, to breathe, to kneel down as lying down wasn’t going to make the baby come quicker.

At 2am I was definitely not coping. I couldn’t breathe, the only thing that helped me through contractions was screaming as loud as I could. Christina suggested to take the gas. I tried, but again, breathing wasn’t something easy to do while in pain. So it didn’t work. She checked me at around 2.30am and told me I was only 5cm dilated. At that moment I begged for an epidural. It could take another 5 hours of pain.

My screams were so loud and I was in such distress, that when the anesthetist came in, he said he wouldn’t be able to administer an epidural on me if I continued like that. He asked Christina to check me again and somehow in half hour I had dilated another 4cm. I was then 9cm. No wonder I was in so much pain. I had passed through transition and actually felt my pelvis opening up. Man, there is no way I will ever forget that pain.

At around 3am, Christina suggested that I should starting pushing. My contractions were mild, I didn’t feel the urge to push. Another midwife came in and wanted to take over. She kept saying so much stuff that just got me mad and discouraged. I was really trying to push. But nothing was coming out. They were pressuring Christina to make it quick otherwise the doctor would come in to vaccum the baby out. I was aware of all that and was trying my hard to push, but it was hard!

Tate, poor thing, had been all along so supportive. He stuck to my side the 12 hours, coaching me, soothing me, being there for me. He silently gave me a blessing and somehow after that I pushed and pushed  again and at 3.23am baby was born.

They put him on me straight-away. I was still in shock and a lot of pain. I was shivering and over tired but at the same time in awe about the thing I had just done. We had a son, a beautiful healthy baby boy without a name. (That’s another story!) We saw him trying to open his eyes and the first thing he saw was Tate. How magical!!! Half hour later he latched on the breast as he knew exactly what to do.

We were a family!! A gift from God was given to us!!! It’s hard to put into words how much love grew in me the moment I hold that little bundle of joy! He’s perfect!

April 6, 2010

Pregnant Senorita

Filed under: Hanna — hannayumi @ 10:52 pm

I decided to use a different blog provider to write this year account. Blogspot was taking too long to load photos and that really bothered me.

So here we are to start a new year. Even though it’s already April, I’ll try to do a quick wrap up on the events so far.

The easy way to do it, is just showing you guys the pictures, that’s why I love the saying ‘A picture worths a thousand words’

Below are some professional pregnancy pictures that Belinda Mifflin took for us. They are great!! A wonderful record for our first baby!

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